Office: Δ1.6 (Office hours: Tuesday, 10.00-13.00 and Wednesday, 10.00-12.00)
Undergraduate courses
- Introduction to historical studies (semester: 1)
- Greek History (19th–20th century) (semester: 3)
- European History (19th–20th century) (semester: 6)
- Controversial issues in the teaching of History (semester: 8)
- Oral history (semester: 8)
Graduate courses
- HAC108 Memory and the City I (semester: 2)
- HAC109 Aspects of Public History in modern city (semester: 3)
- Graduate of the School of Philosophy, University of Ioannina, 1995
- Post-graduate Degree in Hellenic Studies (DEA d’Études Grecques), University Paris IV-Sorbonne (Paris IV), 1998
- Post-graduate Degree in Political Theories and Social Relations (DEA en Théories du politique et rapports sociaux), University Paris VIII (Vincennes-Saint Denis), 2001
- PhD in History of International Relations, University Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), Department of Modern and Contemporary History. Title of the dissertation: La Grèce vue de France pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, entre censure et propagandes (Greece as seen from France during the First World War; between censorship and propagandas), 2007
- Post-doctoral Research, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of History and Archaelogy. Title of the research: The image of Greece in France, 1919-1939, 2012
- CV
Research interests
- Modern and Contemporary History
- Cultural History
- Public History / Public Uses of the Historical Past
- History and Cinema
- History and New Technologies
Selected publications
- Giorgos Kokkinos, Dimitrios Mavroskoufis, Panayotis Gatsotis, Elli Lemonidou, Ta sygkrousiaka zhthmata sth didaskalia ths Istorias (The Handling of Conflictual Issues in the teaching of History), Noogramma, Athens, 2010 [in Greek].
- Giorgos Kokkinos, Elli Lemonidou, Vlasis Agtzidis, To Trauma kai oi politikes ths Mnhmhs. Endeiktikes opseis twn symvolikwn polemwn gia thn istoria kai th Mnhmh (Trauma and the Politics of Memory. Indicative aspects of the symbolic wars for History and Memory), Taksideftis, Athens, 2010 [in Greek].
- Elli Lemonidou, Istoria, Kinimatografos kai Ethnikes Taftotites (History, Cinema and National Identities), Taksideftis, Athens, 2014 [in Greek – to be published].
- Elli Lemonidou, «Le soldat inconnu grec» (“The Greek Unknown Soldier”), in: François Cochet, Jean-Noël Grandhomme (eds.), Les Soldats inconnus de la Grande Guerre. La Mort, le Deuil, la Mémoire, SOTECA, 14-18 Editions, 2012, 153-169 [in French].
- Εlli Lemonidou, Giorgos Kokkinos, Panayotis Kimourtzis, «La question de la diversité à travers l’enseignement des questions “sensibles”: l’exemple de l’extermination de la communauté juive de Rhodes» (The question of diversity through the teaching of “sensible” issues : the example of the extermination of the Jewish community of Rhodes), in: Benoit Falaize, Charles Heimberg, Olivier Loubes (eds.), L’école et la nation, ENS éditions, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 2013, 257-270 [in French].
- Elli Lemonidou, “National Identity and Cinema in post-war France”, in: Panayotis Kimourtzis (ed.), CineScience. O Kinhmatografos ston fako ths Episthmhs (CineScience. Cinema through the lens of Science), Gutenberg Publications, Athens, 2013, 333-364 [in Greek].
- Elli Lemonidou, “World War II and the Greek Civil War in Cinema”, in: Peter Tame, Dominique Jeannerod, Manuel Bragança (eds.), Mnemosyne and Mars: artistic and cultural representations of Twentieth-Century Europe at War, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, 2013, 219-239.
- Elli Lemonidou, “Propaganda and Mobilizations in Greece during the First World War”, in: Troy Paddock (ed.), Propaganda and the First World War, Brill Publishers, Leiden – Boston, 2014, 273-291.