Office: Δ1.4
Undergraduate courses
- Introduction to cultural heritage management (semester: 4)
- Contemporary Archaeology (semester: 5)
- Public Archaeology (semester: 6)
- Contemporary Issues in Cultural Heritage Management (semester: 7)
Graduate courses
- HAC110 Archaeology and management of the recent past (semester: 3)
- PhD (2009), University of Southampton, Department of Archaeology. Research topic: UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites as landmarks of identity in the Balkans: Global reflections-local/national perceptions.
- MPhil in Archaeological Heritage Management and Museums (2003). Wolfson College, Cambridge University, Department of Archaeology. Dissertation title: Delos, a retrospective view: Shift in travellers’ perspectives towards heritage.
- BA, major Archaeology (2000), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of History and Archaeology.
Research interests
- Archaeological and Museum Management with emphasis on local communities
- Cultural Heritage Management and Local Communities
- Contemporary and Historical Archaeology
- Management and Dissemination of Traumatic Cultural Heritage
- Politics of the Past
Selected publications
- Pantzou, N., M. Papakonstantinou and L. M. Tapini (2018). DENCuPID Survey: Mapping Training Needs of the Local Heritage Sector in Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and Spain. DENCuPID- Erasmus +
- Andreasen, N. H., N. Pantzou and D. C. Papadopoulos (eds)(2017). Unfolding a Mountain:An Ethno-archaeological Investigation of Modern Cave Use on Mount Pelion (2006-2008). Arhuus:Arhuus University Press.
- Pantzou, N. (2015). By the people, for the people. The case of a community museum of traumatic Greek heritage. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 17(1):22-37.
- Pantzou, N. (2015). War Remnants of the Greek Archipelago. Persistent Memories or Fragile Heritage? In Reeves, K. και G. Carr (eds) Heritage and memory of war: responses from small islands. London: Routledge.
- Pantzou, N. (2011). Materialities and Traumatic Memories of a 20th Century Greek Exile Island. In Mayers, A. and Moschenska, G. (eds) Archaeologies of Internment. London: Springer, 191-205.
- Πάντζου, Ν. και Στεφάτου, Κ. (2011). Η εικαστική μνήμη μιας εξόριστης: Η περίπτωση της ζωγράφου Κατερίνας Χαριάτη-Σισμάνη, Νέα Εστία, 169 (1845), 1294-1310.
- Πάντζου, Ν. (2010). Φορείς τραυματικής ιστορικής μνήμης: το Μουσείο Πολιτικών Εξορίστων Αη Στράτη στην Αθήνα, Τετράδια Μουσειολογίας, 7 , 49-55.
- Pantzou, N. (2010). On Global Value: The Case of Butrint. In Qualgiulo, M. (ed) Quality in Cultural Heritage Management. Roma: Onlus.